Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cloth Diaper Mamas

So, I have been wanting to try cloth diapering in the worst way. I am just having a hard time committing to something without knowing how it will fit my child. I mean, $18 for a diaper with no returns (obviously) and no guarantee that it will be comfy, or fit her well. I cloth diaper one of the kiddos here at the daycare and I must say it isn't any harder than disposable diapering. I have used Happy Heinys and BUM Genius All In Ones and I like them both, but I also want that cute factor. I want the adorable cloth bottom sticking out of her dress this summer and I want it to be inexpensive and easy, too! Basically, I want it all! So, I will be testing out some handmade diapers sometime in the future, so stay tuned for my reviews!


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